Delmar O Brother Where Art Thou Quotes
No thank you delmar.
Delmar o brother where art thou quotes. No thank you delmar. Ive spoken my. We ran across a whole. Who elected you leader of this outfit.
I thought you said you was innocent of those charges. O brother where art thou. Oh you can have the whole thing. Me and pete already had one apiece.
Care for some gopher. The preacher says all my sins is warshed away including that piggly wiggly i knocked over in yazoo. Neither god nor mans got nothin on me now. I had to be up at there crossroads last midnight to sell my soul to the devilulysses everett mcgill.
If you know of any good ones please do not hesitate to post them. O brother where art thouquotes pete. One third of a gopher would only arouse my appetite without bedding it down. And the preacher says that that sins been warshed away too.
Well pete i thought the leader should be the one.